Offered to: Jocelyn
Eu vi suas águas cristalinas
Brilhando na luz do sol dourado
Do sol dourado
Eu vi suas águas cristalinas
Brilhando no luar

E suas princesinhas
Bailando e brincando nas ondas do mar
E suas princesinhas
Cantando e encantando todos que vem buscar

Vós sois Rainha e sois Mãe Divina
Em sua barquinha todos são iguais
Todos são iguais
Vós sois Rainha e sois Mãe Divina
Na barquinha do amor

Lá vem purificando
Com as águas salgadas para nos curar
Lá vem purificando
Com as águas salgadas para nos transformar


Offered to: Jocelyn
I saw your crystal waters
Shining in the light of the golden sun
Of the golden sun
I saw your crystal waters
Shining in the moonlight

And your little princesses
Dancing and playing in the waves of the sea
And your little princesses
Singing and enchanting all who come to seek

Thou art Queen and Divine Mother
In your little boat all are equal
All are equal
Thou art Queen and Divine Mother
In the little boat of love

There (she) comes purifying
With the salt waters to heal us
There (she) comes purifying
With the salt waters to transform us