Fé Divino
Julia Onnie-Hay
Offered to:
Tempo: Marcha
Tenho fé na Virgem Mae Tenho fé no Pai Divino Tenho fé no Santo Daime Tenho fé em Mãe Natureza Eu vou caminhando Pise firme em na terra E vou cantando e rezando Junto com os meus irmãos Sempre lembrando beija-flor Pequininho guerrininho E os caboclos da Floresta Vos ensinamos com compaixão
Divine Faith
Julia Onnie-Hay
Offered to:
Tempo: Marcha
I have faith in the Virgin Mother I have faith in the Divine Father I have faith in Santo Daime I have faith in Mother Nature I go walking Stepping firmly on the Earth I go singing and praying Together with my brothers and sisters Always remembering hummingbird Very little, little warrior And the caboclos of the forest They teach us with compassion